24 July 2006 (Monday)
HKBU to confer Honorary University Fellowships on
seven distinguished persons
(From left) Mr. Bernard Fung, Mrs. Amelia Lee, Dr. Stephen Riady, Ms. Tsar Teh-yun, Mr. Wong Kam-fai, Dr. Lawrence Yick and Dr. Yip Wai-hong |
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) will confer Honorary University Fellowships on seven distinguished persons at its 51st Convocation on 5 September 2006. This is the first time that the University has bestowed honorary fellowships in recognition of the achievements of individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the academic world, to the community of Hong Kong and to the University. The recipients of these fellowships are Mr. Bernard Fung (馮燊均先生) , Managing Director of Kwong Yee Wo Shipyard Company Ltd. ( 廣義和造船廠有限公司 ) ; Mrs. Amelia Lee (李吳劍鳴女士) , Patron of Wofoo Foundation ( 和富慈善基金 ) ; Dr. Stephen Riady (李宗博士) , Deputy Chairman of the Lippo Group ( 力寶集團 ) ; Ms. Tsar Teh-yun (蔡德允女士) , renowned guqin performer and art educator; Mr. Wong Kam-fai (王錦輝先生) , Group Chairman of the Kum Shing Group (金城營造集團) ; Dr. Lawrence Yick (易嘉濂博士) , General Secretary of The Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong (香港中華基督教青年會) ; and Dr. Yip Wai-hong (葉惠康博士) , renowned music educator who is acclaimed as the "Father of Children's Choirs". Mr. Bernard Fung has long maintained a passionate concern for the education and development of the younger generation of Hong Kong and the Mainland. His commitment has been demonstrated over the years through his generous donations for the construction of schools and hospitals in a number of Mainland provinces, as well as his support for a social service complex in Hong Kong. Mr. Fung is also dedicated to the promotion of Chinese culture. He supported a major reading scheme for students in the Mainland, and serves as Vice-President of the Confucian Academy. He has been unstinting in his support for the development of HKBU, and has an impressive record of public and community service. Mr. Fung was awarded an Honorary Medal in the 1992 Queen's Birthday Honours List. Mrs. Amelia Lee has her heart devoted to caring for society, and is deeply committed to promoting public welfare and philanthropy. She has made numerous donations to Ningbo Municipality in support of more than 40 projects in medicine, education, services for the elderly and infrastructure development. In recent years, she made substantial contributions to local charitable organisations through the Wofoo Foundation. Mrs. Lee is actively involved in voluntary service, and is Senior Vice-President of the Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Brigade. She has also been highly supportive of HKBU's student development projects. In the Mainland, Mrs. Lee was awarded the Medal of Model Compatriot of Zhejiang Province in 2000. Dr. Stephen Riady is Deputy Chairman of the Lippo Group, directing the Group's operations in Hong Kong and Singapore. Despite his busy schedule, Dr. Riady is active in a wide range of capacities promoting the economic and educational development of Hong Kong and the Mainland. He was a Hong Kong Affairs Advisor, and has served on HKBU's Court and Council. A generous benefactor, Dr. Riady has made donations in support of HKBU's Student Residence Project and the HKBU Development Fund under the name of the Lippo Group. He was conferred with an Honorary Doctorate of Business Administration by Napier University in Edinburgh, UK, in 1999. Ms. Tsar Teh-yun has devoted herself to art education. She is recognised as the pre-eminent performer of China's most venerable instrument – the guqin, or seven-string zither. She is a respected master of the instrument, and has distinguished pupils throughout the world. Among her renowned works are the four-volume Yinyinshi Qinpu 《愔愔室琴譜》 and a recording, Tsar Teh-yun: The Art of Qin Music 《蔡德允古琴藝術》. In her support of classical Chinese literature teaching and research, Ms. Tsar has made a donation to establish an endowment fund at HKBU, a highly valued asset in the midst of a business-oriented society. Ms. Tsar was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star by the HKSAR Government in 2002. Mr. Wong Kam-fai is deeply committed to sponsoring education both in the Mainland and Hong Kong. The founder of the K.S. – K.F. Wong Charity and Education Trust Fund, Mr. Wong will this year achieve his goal of building 100 schools in Mainland China and Hong Kong. His donations have included generous support for the establishment of the HKBU Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School, which begins classes this September. Mr. Wong is also active in many social services, and is Vice-President of the Scout Association of Hong Kong. He was awarded a Medal of Honour by the HKSAR Government in 2002. Dr. Lawrence Yick is one of the most influential figures in youth service development in Hong Kong. He oversees the Chinese YMCA's educational, social and related services, and serves as board/executive committee member of several non-government social service organisations. A staunch supporter of HKBU, his alma mater, Dr. Yick has made significant contributions to the development of the Department of Social Work. Through the YMCA he also contributes in areas of student counselling, Chaplaincy and ministry as well as student development work. Dr. Yip Wai-hong has been a legendary figure in music education in Hong Kong for four decades. He has nurtured generations of musical talents and professionals through his work at the Music Department of the then Hong Kong Baptist College from 1963 to 1992 and by founding choirs, orchestras and performing arts centres. The legacy of his dedication to music education includes Yip's Children's Choir and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra. After retiring from HKBU, Dr. Yip served on the University Court until 2005. He was awarded a Medal of Honour by the HKSAR Government in 2003. |
香港浸會大學將於九月五日舉行的第五十一屆開學典禮上,首次 頒授榮譽大學院士予七位傑出人士,以表揚他們對教育、香港社群和浸會大學所作出的重大貢獻。獲嘉許的包括廣義和造船廠有限公司董事長馮燊均先生、和富慈善基金贊助人李吳劍鳴女士、力寶集團副主席李宗博士、著名古琴演奏家及藝術教育家蔡德允女士、金城營造集團主席王錦輝先生、香港中華基督教青年會總幹事易嘉濂博士和有「兒童合唱團之父」美譽的著名音樂教育家葉惠康博士。 馮燊均先生熱心關注香港和內地青少年的教育和發展,歷年來資助的項目包括在內地多個省份興建學校和醫院,以及在港興建社會服務中心。他致力宣揚中國文化,在內地推動「中華義理經典誦讀工程」,又出任孔教學院副院長。馮先生積極參與公共服務,曾任葵青區基金會主席。他又捐資支持浸會大學的發展。一九九二年,馮先生獲頒英女皇壽辰榮譽獎章。 李吳劍鳴女士關心社會,積極推動公益和慈善事業,造福社群。她曾捐助內地寧波市政府,支持教育、醫療、老人服務和基礎建設等逾四十個項目。近年,她透過和富慈善基金,捐助本港的慈善機構,並身體力行,積極參與義務工作,擔任香港聖約翰救傷隊高級副會長。李吳女士亦大力支持浸會大學的學生發展工作。二零零零年,她獲頒「浙江省愛鄉楷模獎章」。 李宗博士是力寶集團副主席,負責集團在香港和新加坡的業務。雖然日理萬機,李博士仍在百忙中抽空出任公職,回饋社會。他曾任港事顧問,亦先後出任浸會大學諮議會和校董會成員。李博士曾以力寶集團的名義,捐資浸大興建學生宿舍,以及大學發展基金。一九九九年,李博士獲英國愛丁堡Napier大學頒授榮譽工商管理博士名銜。 蔡德允女士致力藝術教育,是當今最負盛名的古琴演奏家,桃李滿門,備受尊崇。她出版的著作包括《愔愔室琴譜》四冊和錄音集《蔡德允古琴藝術》等。蔡女士對推動中國古典文學的教育和研究不遺餘力,曾捐資浸會大學設立這方面的教研基金,在以商業為主的社會,實在難能可貴。二零零二年,她獲香港特區政府頒授銀紫荊星章。 王錦輝先生對資助內地和香港的教育服務不遺餘力,他要為祖國興建一百所學校的目標將於今年內完成。他透過 金城營造王錦輝慈善教育基金會, 捐款支持創立的浸會大學附屬學校 王錦輝 中小學,將於今年九月開課,為莘莘學子提供優質的中、小學教育。王先生同時熱心社會服務,出任香港童軍總會副會長,並於二零零二年獲香港特區政府頒授榮譽獎章。 易嘉濂博士 在香港青年服務發展上舉足輕重。他負責督導香港中華基督教青年會所推行的教育、社區和其他相關服務,亦擔任多個非政府社會服務機構的董事或執委。易博士長期支持母校浸會大學的發展,貢獻良多,除協助社會工作系的教研發展外,亦透過青年會,為浸大的學生輔導、校園福音事工,以至學生發展工作,提供人力和資源。 葉惠康博士 一直致力香港音樂教育,四十年來春風化雨,培育了幾代香港音樂人。葉博士由一九六三至九二年在浸會學院 (浸會大學前身)音樂系任教,並創立多個兒童合唱團、管弦樂團和表演藝術中心,如葉氏兒童合唱團和泛亞交響樂團,作育英才。自浸大退休後,他出任大學諮議會成員至二零零五年。二零零三年,葉博士獲香港特區政府頒授榮譽獎章。 |
- 上一篇:德育與兒童成長 --- 研討會
- 下一篇:千多名新生出席浸大第五十一屆開學禮